Thursday, December 2, 2010

If Only

Haven't the thought of  "If Only" crossed your minds many times.Here are some of my all time favorites.

If Only..
  • Junk food was healthier or would make us slimmer.
  • There were 2 working days and 5 days off in a week or 4-hours per working day would be much better (:wink)
  • Size XXL was considered sexier than size 0.
  • 10th standard was considered as the highest degree of education.
  • Failing your university exams was a credit to our parents.
  • Peeping your neighbors through the keyhole was not a mistake.
  • Being bald was a sign of royalty and something you could be proud of.
  • Wearing smelly old socks was cute.
  • Riding a horse to office was not embarrassing.