Saturday, July 10, 2010

Time saving tips for working wifes (or wives..but I like wifes more..that sounds cool,right? )

I hear a lot of working wives complain they don't have enough time in the mornings or in the evenings. "Attention working wives", mornings or evenings are not that bad. If and only If, you follow my time table with complete dedication.

I have designed this time table exclusively for "Working Wifes"...Oops Wives.I'm extremely sorry for working "singles". This time table wont suit your needs. May be after a couple of years if you decide to take the plunge.

You can even make a "sticky note" and have this on your refrigerator or wardrobe. Please contact me if you need a print out version of this :)

Time Table:  (* T & C apply)
  • 6:00 AM - Wake Up
The first rule is to never ever postpone your alarm settings here. It’s a busy day ahead girl. Com’on kick your butt and wake up.
  • 6:00 AM to 6:10 AM - Morning Routine Part 1
This covers only the 1st part of your morning routine - Pee, Rinse face, comb hair (not recommended). Brushing teeth, attending nature's call are a complete No-No here.
  • 6:10 AM to 6:15 AM - Get the milk & newspaper from the door
By the way, NO peek-a-boo through your neighbor’s door to check if her husband is up. Run...Lola...Run...towards to kitchen.
  • 6:15 AM to 7:30 AM - Tea/Breakfast Preparation
I would say this the most crucial time in your mornings, as you are not supposed to waste even a single minute.

But… are allowed to take a cup of tea/coffee during this breakfast preparation procedure to save time. Beware!! Don’t drink a whole lot of tea or else you won’t be able to suppress your nature's call for another one hour.

I am warning you...'Each Minute' is precious here.

It’s always better to have sandwiches or our very own, all time favorite, time saving Corn Flakes or Muesli for breakfast. I know you might have to bear with your husband’s weird face and gestures. But sometimes its fun to NOT pay attention to that. (Am I sounding too rude ??)
  • 7: 30 AM to 7: 45 AM - Wake Up your lovely...sleeping (grrr...) Husband
As the efforts of waking up your husband from kitchen doesn't succeed (don’t worry wifey dear... there's nothing unnatural, it’s a common disease. Its called WAKOMANIA - the fear to wake up in the mornings due to the lack of energy…atleast that’s what they say !!) you have to come...slap his butt with the wooden spatula, with which you were frying the eggs and run back to check if they are burnt or not...Phew!!!

Oh yes…15 minutes is really needed here…as he will be promising you to be up, but you will be hearing deep snores in fractions of seconds. (Not to mention the unconscious moving of his feet to show us that he is not sleeping in between the snores)And finally…he will plead you to lie with him for 5 minutes. Don’t fall for this girl…he’s just trying to distract you. Be powerful girl… (ahem…ahem..Once in while it’s okay…can’t blame him…may be, he was missing you all night in his dreams, as he was busy driving the latest series of Audi, or while he was stuck with some infinte loop of C++ programming or may be while staring at bumpers of some cute lil chicks..can’t say)
  • 7:45 AM to 8:00 AM – Quick glance through the newspaper & frequent alarm squeals.
There is nothing wrong in reading the headlines of some daily hot news. Anyways your loving hubby won’t have the time to do the same as he is still busy sleeping. I didn’t say this should be an elaborate reading section. Just to make sure you don’t miss the road diversions or explosions near your office. Or...may be some daily entertainment gossips. You can use them in your office to keep the crowd entertaining or pester your husband to buy you a Louis Vuitton bag you saw Ms.Perfect Aishwarya Rai holding or Ms.Hotty (ahem..ahem...) Angelina Jolie’s LBD* in the front page.

In between don’t forget to produce some awful shrilling squeals towards the bedroom direction. Yes, you guessed it right. He is still sleeping..  :)
  • 8:00 AM to 8:15 AM – Morning Routine Part 2
Brush your teeth,  attend nature’s call, quick shower (optional). Sometimes you can skip the shower part, just apply generous amount of deodorant and perfume to make sure that you don’t smell bad. Or you might want to skip the soap part as its time consuming…buckets of water can do the work too. (he he he) 

(Psst…he is still sleeping)
  • 8:15 am to 8:30 AM – Hunting for today’s official dress.
I think this is most hectic of all. Choosing a dress to wear to office. After a lot of struggle with the heaps of dress falling on yourself, you somehow manage to find one. Oh…no…no…it’s not ironed.

You have 2 options here…you can either have your sleepy dreamy husband (he might probably be awake here) have it ironed or you can just hop in to one of your non-wrinkle kind of dress. The most important part is no makeup ladies…Makeup’s are a complete no-no for married woman (If somebody's asks you can tell them your are allergic to these kind of stuff)
  • 8:30 AM To 8:40 AM – Breakfast Time
Take real quick bites of your sandwich or big really big mouthfuls of cornflakes. If you are running out of time, you can pack this and have it on your journey to office (nowadays you get most of time in your office commutes, thanks to the traffic in India).
  • 8:40 AM to 9:00 AM – Dress up your loving Hubby
Help your husband in his search for the car keys.
Eureka…Eureka…you found them. But where are his boxers? His shoes? His socks? His Laptop? (he he he) Ah!! And the search continues. Meanwhile you can pack his lunch if in case he is the homely kind of guy.
  • 9:00 AM – Run to the nearest bus station or train station to reach office in time. 
PS: All the timings are allotted presuming your office timings start from 10AM and you are a working wife without kids now. If you need to start early for office, or if you have kids at home please adjust your time table accordingly. 

T & C – Terms & Conditions Apply, LBD - little black dress


  1. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

  2. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.
